Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Okay, so I created this to vent ... and here goes..

I hate winter
I hate RED40
I hate MONEY

Winter - I hate because It causes nothing but trouble in the mornings, its a pain in the butt trying to get the girls together and get the van cleared off - which those convenient sliding doors that are oh so nice - FREEZE and require a WWF Wrestler to open! I hate winter because the daycare that I take my kids to seems to have its own weather pattern and if there is a snow flake in Stephens City then that means there is what seems to the Van like a foot of snow at the daycare. I can't get the van up the hill - mountain, whatever.. and for some reason I continuously try - which sucks because I have to reverse back down it and that is the most stressful thing ever. There is a boulder on one side that would not make the side of my van look pretty and a huge drop off on the other side.. so I have to scoot down the hill.. sliding.. breaking... sliding .. breaking - Natalie telling me its okay mommy, we just go home - its okay mommy. All I wanted to do was get out of the van and walk away and leave it until the spring.. but noooooooooo I have to scoot and slide... scoot and slide...

RED40 - I hate RED40 because its so hard to get other people to understand that as big of a pain it is to eliminate it from a toddlers diet it has to be done - Natalie and Sylvia go to their Grams house now on Mondays. Well first Monday there and Natalie comes home just plain evil. Hyper, and just somewhat off. Refuses to do anything we say, does things bad and calls us to watch her do it so we get mad, insists on watching JoJo which I think is her evil show, yells, screams, whines... and ... DOESN'T SLEEP! She goes to sleep for a few seconds and if you leave she wakes up, she crys to sleep in our room, up every two hours.. it was just so obvious that she had had RED40. But what do you say, thanks for watching my child for free I know you are trying to give her healthy food but you failed? Natalie this morning said she had M&Ms. Which are loaded with RED40 no matter the color. So I guess I will email my mother in law and politly let her know that I appreciate everything she does but she can't give in - she just can't. A little RED40 to Natalie is like injecting her with heroine or something. Its just not a pretty site. Its not my daughter. Nothing sucks more than missing your child and going home to her and her not really being your child.

Money - I hate money because I can't afford new tires which would help me up the mountain of hell, I hate money because I can't afford to stay home with my children and give them the care and attention I would like to give them , I hate money because I have a doctors appt for Sylvia tomorrow and all I can think about is the $30 co-pay.

Okay, done - I'll be back -
I feel a tiny bit better...

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