Monday, March 30, 2009

My Girls -

Here is Natalie at 6 Months - in the "pink dress"
Here is Sylvia at 8 months in the "pink dress" I forgot the hat - which upsets me because it is right in that room off to the corner - i will do it all again once the dress is clean again - soooo, next month : )

Super Fast weekend...

This weekend flew by -
when someone asks me "did you have a good weekend" I seriously had to stop and think. Honestly Natalie was a complete bear! From the very second I picked her up at daycare on Friday she was having issues. Attention issues. You would think I never gave this girl the time of day the way she was acting. BAD BAD BAD EVIL EVIL EVIL
I put ABSOLUTELY NO RED JUICE on her sheet at her new daycare. There are two shifts there and I think the second "younger" shift keeps forgeting about the Red40 - ugh.. anyways, back to the weekend. Sylvia is an angel. Sweetest thing ever - teething for sure - I would be super surprised if when I get her from daycare tonight she doesn't have at least one of those top ones poking through. Thank goodness for pictures because when I look back at them - I will take Natalies fits anyday because all in all it was a good weekend - minus the fighting and yelling, screaming and me wanting to leap off of a bridge -
Here are some pictures.. lets see... a Sweeney Weekend -
Little Drummer Girls

Chef boy r brat

Grrrr - show me how you really feel

poking out of the fort -

Planting plants in the house ??

Daddy and Nattie - two very sloppy people - planting tomato plants in the house - dirt in the house!!!!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Its too hard to tell ...

Sometimes its so hard to know when you are making the right decision regarding your children... its so hard to know when that "one more cookie" was pushing it too far -
hard to know when something is considered "spoiling" or just plain "loving" your child.
In this current economy - my husband and I have been hurting, I'm not selling planes, he's not building houses - its just, not the way it used to be. When we had our second daughter Sylvia we freaked out about money - and we weren't even broke yet - we freaked out about finances, and about the girls getting sick - we pulled Natalie from her daycare and took her and Sylvia to an in-home daycare - all was going well, it really was - so we thought - we were distracted by holidays, bad weather, and sickness .... but we just came to realize that so much was being overlooked - the girls were still getting sick - the girls were still costing money - only now ... one girl is 8 months old and is just now starting to sit up, and the other is 2+ and she thinks she is 8. She picked up so many bad habits from the older kids that I was listening to my 2 year old tell me off, tell me what she wanted to do, what she wasn't going to do and to get out of her face, I'm running away, she watched too much t.v. - she needs structure. As for Sylvia , in no way am I blaming a home daycare for my child's inability to sit up - I just cant' help but think that since they see my child 5 more hours a week than I do, that maybe they could spend a little extra time with her - after all, the times that they get to see my girls are the best times - the DAYTIME ! Long story short - my children had become dollar signs not only in my daycare providers eyes but ours as well - I mean, afterall we get what we pay for right? soooo, we pull them and put them back into the more expensive daycare, where I can monitor them with a webcam - where they have structure, where they bring me home artwork - teaching them things - ... now... its too hard to tell now if this is all worth the economic strain this is going to put on our family. We are already about to lose the house - if my re-mod loan doesn't pull through then - us spending more money on this daycare in every way guarantees we will lose the house... but in my mind - we take the hit now while the children are young and still impressionable and mold them into Great Children - not children that grew up in a Great House, with Great clothes .. but children with Great minds -
I just feel the need to vent about this situation - to justify it, if you will -
I am not horrible with money (at least not like I used to be) I am not glutton for punishment, I don't want to lose my first house - I just want to vent and to let it be known... as much as I don't want to lose my first house, I don't want to lose my first children too - I really truly believe that 5 years down the road - all will have fixed itself and me spending a butt load on daycare will be for the good ... right? right? I mean, .... could I find what I am looking for in the larger daycare in a smaller one? hmmm?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Babies This Morning

Natalie is showing off her bracelet she got for being such a good sport this past week - she has been pretty darn sick and all in all has been handleing it very well!! Momma was proud!

Again, with the classic goofball face!
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Random Pix of my babies

What a classic goof ball face of Sylvia

She looks so old in this picture

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Nattie and Daddy - best buds for life!

what a goof ball - it looks like she is holding on by his chest hair - ouch
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Stephen and Sylvia

Too Damn cute - the both of them .. don't tell Stephen I said that!

Sylvia and my niece Autumns Butt -

The rest of my niece's body - these two got quite the crowd around them for a minute, everybody thought they were so cute just rolling around being babies.
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This past weekend at the Aquatic Center -

We met my family and went swimming at the Aquatic Center in Warrneton

Sylvia BIG FAN!

Here is the crew - I don't swim, but after last Sunday I am considering purchasing a bathing suit because its just not the same sitting out watching your girls swim - not too mention I think Stephen would like the help

Adult and baby swim - Natalie coming up from behind
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