I see your hiney, so nice and shiney.....
Monday, February 23, 2009
Nattie and Daddy Cookie Time
I see your hiney, so nice and shiney.....
A Weekend in Photos - of the girls -
Friday, February 20, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dear Lord Make it stop
Dear Lord,
Please make the Norovirus go away.
I don't know why you chose to infect everybody that went to Aidens Birthday party, but... can it please be over now?
P.S. Sorry I haven't been to church in a decade.
So, yeah... I remember it like it was yesterday ...
we leave Aidens party, come home, Ella (my niece) and her mother come over, then luke and Noelle come over ... we laughed.. we cried.. it was a good time.
we had let Natalie stay up later than usual, thinking she will sleep like a charm - she should be completely red40 free thanks to Noelle getting a special Red40 free cake!! so.... sleeping through the night - not so much! About 3am she yells for stephen.. I ignore it a bit... about 330 am she yells for Stephen so I wake him up. Then the vomiting begins, poor thing. None stop for 16 hours.
Then thats not it, oh no ... it continues,
Sunday night, Stephen..
Monday afternoon, ME
Tuesday afternoon, Sylvia
Wednesday ... the Norovirus claims the dog!
the kicker is Noelles family is sick too, and the daycare, well since Noelle and I have a somewhat mirrored life in a way, same jobs, same daycares, same diet.. same color lunchbox - wait that has nothing to do with anything, anyways, Noelles family is sick too, that means - a pain in the ass for us to juggle our sick familys and work at the same time. SOmeone needs to take the kids, someone needs to be at work, the economy sucks and our work is laying people off and cutting salary's so we can't exactly say screw you guys be back when the virus is gone ! (our only hope is that maybe we noro'ed their butts just a tiny bit)
So I sit here at home, sick baby, NOelles sick baby sits at home with her sick husband.... oh wait.. let me start over, So, I sit here at home with my sick baby - AND DOG!
Nasty, Nasty, Nasty - what is that? I mean really - My childrens puke I can do, My dogs... which for the record I never wanted... not so much.
SO yeah, its Humpday - I'm exhausted from doing laundry, Sylvia is sleeping which means I should be running around the house with my lysol holster on but.. nope I'm on my vent box because oh my goodness do I need to vent -
StUPID DRYER BUZZER _ anyone reading this no how to turn off the Stupid F^^%$# Buzzer on the dryer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP ! I'M VENTING YOU STUPID PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
whew, so yeah, where was I .. oh.. something about needing to vent... yup I would say that was so. I need to go changed the laundry now for the 100th time... dirty, girlie .. pukey clothes... tons of them....and blankets,... and pillow cases.. sheets... and jackets.. and... who cares.. I'm sorry.. I'm rambling
buzzer going to go off soon.. I had better go and get it switched before Stephen comes home and finds the dryer in the yard.
Please make the Norovirus go away.
I don't know why you chose to infect everybody that went to Aidens Birthday party, but... can it please be over now?
P.S. Sorry I haven't been to church in a decade.
So, yeah... I remember it like it was yesterday ...
we leave Aidens party, come home, Ella (my niece) and her mother come over, then luke and Noelle come over ... we laughed.. we cried.. it was a good time.
we had let Natalie stay up later than usual, thinking she will sleep like a charm - she should be completely red40 free thanks to Noelle getting a special Red40 free cake!! so.... sleeping through the night - not so much! About 3am she yells for stephen.. I ignore it a bit... about 330 am she yells for Stephen so I wake him up. Then the vomiting begins, poor thing. None stop for 16 hours.
Then thats not it, oh no ... it continues,
Sunday night, Stephen..
Monday afternoon, ME
Tuesday afternoon, Sylvia
Wednesday ... the Norovirus claims the dog!
the kicker is Noelles family is sick too, and the daycare, well since Noelle and I have a somewhat mirrored life in a way, same jobs, same daycares, same diet.. same color lunchbox - wait that has nothing to do with anything, anyways, Noelles family is sick too, that means - a pain in the ass for us to juggle our sick familys and work at the same time. SOmeone needs to take the kids, someone needs to be at work, the economy sucks and our work is laying people off and cutting salary's so we can't exactly say screw you guys be back when the virus is gone ! (our only hope is that maybe we noro'ed their butts just a tiny bit)
So I sit here at home, sick baby, NOelles sick baby sits at home with her sick husband.... oh wait.. let me start over, So, I sit here at home with my sick baby - AND DOG!
Nasty, Nasty, Nasty - what is that? I mean really - My childrens puke I can do, My dogs... which for the record I never wanted... not so much.
SO yeah, its Humpday - I'm exhausted from doing laundry, Sylvia is sleeping which means I should be running around the house with my lysol holster on but.. nope I'm on my vent box because oh my goodness do I need to vent -
StUPID DRYER BUZZER _ anyone reading this no how to turn off the Stupid F^^%$# Buzzer on the dryer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP ! I'M VENTING YOU STUPID PIECE OF CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!
whew, so yeah, where was I .. oh.. something about needing to vent... yup I would say that was so. I need to go changed the laundry now for the 100th time... dirty, girlie .. pukey clothes... tons of them....and blankets,... and pillow cases.. sheets... and jackets.. and... who cares.. I'm sorry.. I'm rambling
buzzer going to go off soon.. I had better go and get it switched before Stephen comes home and finds the dryer in the yard.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
A Rare Moment
Anyone with multiple children knows that there is a rare moment that you live for - BOTH KIDS SLEEPING at the SAME TIME!
Sylvia is wrapping up a 3 hour nap so I know that my time is limited. Natalie just went down for a nap after being a very good girl this morning. She has been running around in her bathrobe all morning. She pee'd in the big girl potty! Which means, two whip cream shots in the mouth. She did it last night too, so I am not trying to get my hopes up but WOOHOO... no more big diapers, at least not until Sylvia is in them.
Natalie did NOT sleep well last night at all. Yelled for daddy and then came in my room at 445 begging to go downstairs, so I went into her room I was in and out of consciousness and she was just talking. I think she might have fallen asleep from 530-600am sheesh. I noticed there was blueberry muffin crumbs lying next to her bed so I will be talking to Stephen about no more sugar before bed.
Girls rooms are clean! Wonder how long that will last. I have entirely way too much girl clothes. I am in now way organized enough to handle them. They are everywhere, coming out of everywhere! Not too mention the pink load, after pink loads of laundry I do. Load after load after load...
I love the time I get to spend with my daughters. I want all the housewives and stay at home moms to know just how lucky they are. I told myself it was never for me, I could never do it - but the older Natalie gets the more I realize I am missing. The more of her I want to absorb every day. The more of her I want to help and mold and monitor - but nope, I have to go to work to NOT sell planes and to come home in just enough time to feed them, put them to bed and to do it all over.
Well, I hear Sylvia - now quality time with Sweeney #2.
Sylvia is wrapping up a 3 hour nap so I know that my time is limited. Natalie just went down for a nap after being a very good girl this morning. She has been running around in her bathrobe all morning. She pee'd in the big girl potty! Which means, two whip cream shots in the mouth. She did it last night too, so I am not trying to get my hopes up but WOOHOO... no more big diapers, at least not until Sylvia is in them.
Natalie did NOT sleep well last night at all. Yelled for daddy and then came in my room at 445 begging to go downstairs, so I went into her room I was in and out of consciousness and she was just talking. I think she might have fallen asleep from 530-600am sheesh. I noticed there was blueberry muffin crumbs lying next to her bed so I will be talking to Stephen about no more sugar before bed.
Girls rooms are clean! Wonder how long that will last. I have entirely way too much girl clothes. I am in now way organized enough to handle them. They are everywhere, coming out of everywhere! Not too mention the pink load, after pink loads of laundry I do. Load after load after load...
I love the time I get to spend with my daughters. I want all the housewives and stay at home moms to know just how lucky they are. I told myself it was never for me, I could never do it - but the older Natalie gets the more I realize I am missing. The more of her I want to absorb every day. The more of her I want to help and mold and monitor - but nope, I have to go to work to NOT sell planes and to come home in just enough time to feed them, put them to bed and to do it all over.
Well, I hear Sylvia - now quality time with Sweeney #2.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Sleep at Last, Sleep at Last!!
It happened - I slept -
Just came out of nowhere ..
Sylvia was a bear yesterday, daycare called and said they couldn't get her to stop screaming and it had been going on for two hours and they tried everything. I asked them to see if Natalie could calm her down because Sylvia loves her big sister. Not sure if that is what worked or not but when Stephen got there an hour later she was happily bouncing in the bouncer. She was a grumpy butt all night though.. probably just over exhausted from screaming all day. Anyways, I was certain sleep and I were not going to meet last night but ... we did.. and oh yeah.. we got along great! I think - that Sylvia didn't get up until 2 something... I kept squinting at the clocking turning my head this way and that trying to make sure it really said 2 - (i'm blind as a bat without my glasses)
Natalie is almost Red40 clean. She slept in her room BY HERSELF all night. Heard her yell for someone for a little bit sometime during the night but I think she was doing it out of habit. She was yelling for her daddy at 630 this morning so I went in there and said, Natalie babe whats wrong.. she looked at me with the sleepy face (my favorite face in a child - the I just woke up face -LOVE IT) anyways, she looked at me and said... Mommy, I just want my daddy. So sweet. They are inseparable those two. She was perfect this morning. Getting to be such a big girl.
Stephen on the other hand - not a morning person - sheesh - talk about a grump bucket.
Well, I am going to continue on with my Friday and hope that this evening I pick up two HAPPY girls and they stay that way all weekend.. We have a big 1st birthday party to go to tomorrow - Shout out to Aiden Callas - way to be 1 buddy!
Just came out of nowhere ..
Sylvia was a bear yesterday, daycare called and said they couldn't get her to stop screaming and it had been going on for two hours and they tried everything. I asked them to see if Natalie could calm her down because Sylvia loves her big sister. Not sure if that is what worked or not but when Stephen got there an hour later she was happily bouncing in the bouncer. She was a grumpy butt all night though.. probably just over exhausted from screaming all day. Anyways, I was certain sleep and I were not going to meet last night but ... we did.. and oh yeah.. we got along great! I think - that Sylvia didn't get up until 2 something... I kept squinting at the clocking turning my head this way and that trying to make sure it really said 2 - (i'm blind as a bat without my glasses)
Natalie is almost Red40 clean. She slept in her room BY HERSELF all night. Heard her yell for someone for a little bit sometime during the night but I think she was doing it out of habit. She was yelling for her daddy at 630 this morning so I went in there and said, Natalie babe whats wrong.. she looked at me with the sleepy face (my favorite face in a child - the I just woke up face -LOVE IT) anyways, she looked at me and said... Mommy, I just want my daddy. So sweet. They are inseparable those two. She was perfect this morning. Getting to be such a big girl.
Stephen on the other hand - not a morning person - sheesh - talk about a grump bucket.
Well, I am going to continue on with my Friday and hope that this evening I pick up two HAPPY girls and they stay that way all weekend.. We have a big 1st birthday party to go to tomorrow - Shout out to Aiden Callas - way to be 1 buddy!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Two Kids - Two kids that don't sleep
Two little girls, two little girls that won't sleep - two little girls that NEED sleep !! (three counting me!)
Sylvia was up all night because she has a nasty snotty cold and because her shots gave her a fever. I took her downstairs at about 130am so we could sleep on the couch sitting up. Probably not so bad for her considering mommy had her all night.. me on the other hand if I turn my head to fast I am reminded that I slept stiff like a corpse.
Stephen slipped and gave Natalie Motrin last night which has REd40 - so ... another 3 days of cleansing. I can't get my daughter "clean"
she was yelling for us last night at about 1230. She won't leave her room now, not to upset the t.v., so she just yells. Stephen ended up sleeping with her last night. I told her this morning that I had had enough of it and that she was to sleep in her room all by herself tonight or else. (or else what, i have no idea - lets hope that doesn't come up)
Last night she refused to eat dinner, threw her sandwich - time-out in the middle of dinner, tears.. bla bla bla...
I am totally ready for Friday!
Spring would be nice too. It is darn cold in the mornings. The Van doesn't run right when its this cold, I DON'T RUN RIGHT WHEN ITS THIS COLD!
You know - the whole thing that really got to me this morning was when I go upstairs at 5am or whatever time we got up -
My dog Sadie was sleeping upside down all four legs in the air in our bed! ! Stretched out completely, LOVING LIFE! Stephen had to sleep in a twin bed with a 2 year old, I had to sleep on a couch with a 6 month old and ... Sadie... slept in a California King all by herself!
Oh the life of a bitch.
Sylvia was up all night because she has a nasty snotty cold and because her shots gave her a fever. I took her downstairs at about 130am so we could sleep on the couch sitting up. Probably not so bad for her considering mommy had her all night.. me on the other hand if I turn my head to fast I am reminded that I slept stiff like a corpse.
Stephen slipped and gave Natalie Motrin last night which has REd40 - so ... another 3 days of cleansing. I can't get my daughter "clean"
she was yelling for us last night at about 1230. She won't leave her room now, not to upset the t.v., so she just yells. Stephen ended up sleeping with her last night. I told her this morning that I had had enough of it and that she was to sleep in her room all by herself tonight or else. (or else what, i have no idea - lets hope that doesn't come up)
Last night she refused to eat dinner, threw her sandwich - time-out in the middle of dinner, tears.. bla bla bla...
I am totally ready for Friday!
Spring would be nice too. It is darn cold in the mornings. The Van doesn't run right when its this cold, I DON'T RUN RIGHT WHEN ITS THIS COLD!
You know - the whole thing that really got to me this morning was when I go upstairs at 5am or whatever time we got up -
My dog Sadie was sleeping upside down all four legs in the air in our bed! ! Stretched out completely, LOVING LIFE! Stephen had to sleep in a twin bed with a 2 year old, I had to sleep on a couch with a 6 month old and ... Sadie... slept in a California King all by herself!
Oh the life of a bitch.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Hump Day -
Sylvia had her 6 month check up today!!! She is 27" tall - had a growth spurt grew 3" in two months!! Still in the 25th percentile for weight at a whopping 15lbs.
She also has an eye infection thingy majiggy, pink eye or something, doctor just said, I'll write you something for that eye. Probably just a part of her cold. Something about 3am - she gets so full of snot that she decides to choke and wake up and chit chat. So Mommy and Sylvia hung out downstairs from 3am - 4am and then we slept on the couch ... ouch my neck. Natalie came down at 645am (oh we slept in because of the doctors appt.oh yeah) she said hey mommy why you down here? Then later when we turned the t.v. on there was static on it and she told me that I broke it because I slept on the couch and not in my room.
Natalie however slept in her room all night ... but... but... she yelled for daddy at 145am until he finally went in there and then wouldn't fall asleep until 3am. I kept hearing him try to leave and her say - where you going daddy - stay with me -
Natalie was a little better last night still had some red40 in her system thats for sure. She was just not listening and doing things she knows she is not suppose to and then saying .. look at me... she had her entire hand in the baby vics vapor rub, just rubbing it everywhere - she knows better than that I yelled at her for that on Monday night - They say it takes about 3 days so we shall see. This morning she was actually very pleasant for not sleeping all night.
She also has an eye infection thingy majiggy, pink eye or something, doctor just said, I'll write you something for that eye. Probably just a part of her cold. Something about 3am - she gets so full of snot that she decides to choke and wake up and chit chat. So Mommy and Sylvia hung out downstairs from 3am - 4am and then we slept on the couch ... ouch my neck. Natalie came down at 645am (oh we slept in because of the doctors appt.oh yeah) she said hey mommy why you down here? Then later when we turned the t.v. on there was static on it and she told me that I broke it because I slept on the couch and not in my room.
Natalie however slept in her room all night ... but... but... she yelled for daddy at 145am until he finally went in there and then wouldn't fall asleep until 3am. I kept hearing him try to leave and her say - where you going daddy - stay with me -
Natalie was a little better last night still had some red40 in her system thats for sure. She was just not listening and doing things she knows she is not suppose to and then saying .. look at me... she had her entire hand in the baby vics vapor rub, just rubbing it everywhere - she knows better than that I yelled at her for that on Monday night - They say it takes about 3 days so we shall see. This morning she was actually very pleasant for not sleeping all night.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Finally an Answer!
Well you guys - Natalie had a pop tart yesterday. What does that mean... ???
that means that when she was given RED40 Stephen and I could tell immediately. What does that mean...?.. that means that my child will not have to drugs and things to calm her down ....
this means my child does not have ADHD - she has an extreme RED40 sensitivity! This means... with some help from her daycare providers I can have my daughter back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red #3 and Red #40 are the two food coloring additives approved for use in food (by the FDA) yet if they were sprayed on weeds they would work as a pesticide. Many parents have had success in eliminating red 40 from their child's diet, the results have been favorable.
that means that when she was given RED40 Stephen and I could tell immediately. What does that mean...?.. that means that my child will not have to drugs and things to calm her down ....
this means my child does not have ADHD - she has an extreme RED40 sensitivity! This means... with some help from her daycare providers I can have my daughter back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Red #3 and Red #40 are the two food coloring additives approved for use in food (by the FDA) yet if they were sprayed on weeds they would work as a pesticide. Many parents have had success in eliminating red 40 from their child's diet, the results have been favorable.
Okay, so I created this to vent ... and here goes..
I hate winter
I hate RED40
I hate MONEY
Winter - I hate because It causes nothing but trouble in the mornings, its a pain in the butt trying to get the girls together and get the van cleared off - which those convenient sliding doors that are oh so nice - FREEZE and require a WWF Wrestler to open! I hate winter because the daycare that I take my kids to seems to have its own weather pattern and if there is a snow flake in Stephens City then that means there is what seems to the Van like a foot of snow at the daycare. I can't get the van up the hill - mountain, whatever.. and for some reason I continuously try - which sucks because I have to reverse back down it and that is the most stressful thing ever. There is a boulder on one side that would not make the side of my van look pretty and a huge drop off on the other side.. so I have to scoot down the hill.. sliding.. breaking... sliding .. breaking - Natalie telling me its okay mommy, we just go home - its okay mommy. All I wanted to do was get out of the van and walk away and leave it until the spring.. but noooooooooo I have to scoot and slide... scoot and slide...
RED40 - I hate RED40 because its so hard to get other people to understand that as big of a pain it is to eliminate it from a toddlers diet it has to be done - Natalie and Sylvia go to their Grams house now on Mondays. Well first Monday there and Natalie comes home just plain evil. Hyper, and just somewhat off. Refuses to do anything we say, does things bad and calls us to watch her do it so we get mad, insists on watching JoJo which I think is her evil show, yells, screams, whines... and ... DOESN'T SLEEP! She goes to sleep for a few seconds and if you leave she wakes up, she crys to sleep in our room, up every two hours.. it was just so obvious that she had had RED40. But what do you say, thanks for watching my child for free I know you are trying to give her healthy food but you failed? Natalie this morning said she had M&Ms. Which are loaded with RED40 no matter the color. So I guess I will email my mother in law and politly let her know that I appreciate everything she does but she can't give in - she just can't. A little RED40 to Natalie is like injecting her with heroine or something. Its just not a pretty site. Its not my daughter. Nothing sucks more than missing your child and going home to her and her not really being your child.
Money - I hate money because I can't afford new tires which would help me up the mountain of hell, I hate money because I can't afford to stay home with my children and give them the care and attention I would like to give them , I hate money because I have a doctors appt for Sylvia tomorrow and all I can think about is the $30 co-pay.
Okay, done - I'll be back -
I feel a tiny bit better...
I hate winter
I hate RED40
I hate MONEY
Winter - I hate because It causes nothing but trouble in the mornings, its a pain in the butt trying to get the girls together and get the van cleared off - which those convenient sliding doors that are oh so nice - FREEZE and require a WWF Wrestler to open! I hate winter because the daycare that I take my kids to seems to have its own weather pattern and if there is a snow flake in Stephens City then that means there is what seems to the Van like a foot of snow at the daycare. I can't get the van up the hill - mountain, whatever.. and for some reason I continuously try - which sucks because I have to reverse back down it and that is the most stressful thing ever. There is a boulder on one side that would not make the side of my van look pretty and a huge drop off on the other side.. so I have to scoot down the hill.. sliding.. breaking... sliding .. breaking - Natalie telling me its okay mommy, we just go home - its okay mommy. All I wanted to do was get out of the van and walk away and leave it until the spring.. but noooooooooo I have to scoot and slide... scoot and slide...
RED40 - I hate RED40 because its so hard to get other people to understand that as big of a pain it is to eliminate it from a toddlers diet it has to be done - Natalie and Sylvia go to their Grams house now on Mondays. Well first Monday there and Natalie comes home just plain evil. Hyper, and just somewhat off. Refuses to do anything we say, does things bad and calls us to watch her do it so we get mad, insists on watching JoJo which I think is her evil show, yells, screams, whines... and ... DOESN'T SLEEP! She goes to sleep for a few seconds and if you leave she wakes up, she crys to sleep in our room, up every two hours.. it was just so obvious that she had had RED40. But what do you say, thanks for watching my child for free I know you are trying to give her healthy food but you failed? Natalie this morning said she had M&Ms. Which are loaded with RED40 no matter the color. So I guess I will email my mother in law and politly let her know that I appreciate everything she does but she can't give in - she just can't. A little RED40 to Natalie is like injecting her with heroine or something. Its just not a pretty site. Its not my daughter. Nothing sucks more than missing your child and going home to her and her not really being your child.
Money - I hate money because I can't afford new tires which would help me up the mountain of hell, I hate money because I can't afford to stay home with my children and give them the care and attention I would like to give them , I hate money because I have a doctors appt for Sylvia tomorrow and all I can think about is the $30 co-pay.
Okay, done - I'll be back -
I feel a tiny bit better...
Monday, February 2, 2009
Momma Sweeney Saturday with the Girls!
Whew, the weekend flew by!
Natalie was a great girl this weekend. We only had one sleep walking incident Friday night. Not sure what caused it, maybe a small amount of RED40 at daycare? She apparently was bringing me a HUGE stuffed octopus that she has. Stephen intercepted her and put her back in bed. This was around 11:30 Friday night. I didn't open my eyes enough to see the octopus, probably a good thing because I would have busted out laughing.
The girls did really good a Borders. Natalie got mad at me because she said that this was not shopping, her idea of shopping is running around hiding in the clothes carousels. She immediately grabbed a bunch of books and said, I get these, we go bye byes now. I said no Natalie ... we are going to wait around here Noelle (Owen) and Aiden will be here soon...
Which in turn led me to buying a $4.99 stupid marker and coloring book set - STUPID STUPID.. the darn coloring book had like 5 pages. Unlike my husband I have a conscience when it comes to damaging an item and not purchasing it. Natalie had ripped the marker off so I felt I had to buy it. $4.99 ... seriously?
oh, in case you didn't know - the Sweeneys are extremely strapped for cash lately.... being that I make money off of plane sales and ummm.. yeah... no plane sales this year.. or in the last 6 months for that matter... anyways - $4.99... ugh..
Owen and Aiden show up, and... Noelle got me my first Latte - I know right? I have never had one... It was a skinny latte and may I say HEAVEN - thank you noelle.
We then went to the mall so we could chow down on some country cookin'
wait for it -
Moment of silence.....
okay, so chick filet it was. Natalie and Aiden ate their nuggets, Sylvia had some waffle fries.. Yeah, my daughter is six months old and I let her suck on waffle fries...
Noelle spilt a huge drink all over the mall floor at 11am - te he...
Natalie made fun of her..
Natalie then pretended to be in a Mickey Mouse episode and in the middle of lunch she looks up at the sky and says... OH TOOOOOTLES (for those who have never seen Mikey mouse and clubhouse thats the helper that brings tools to help solve problems)

So, anyways, we pushed it with Natalie because towards the end of the trip she was lying in the middle of JC Penney.
Home we went and I put both the girls to sleep - then cleaned the house
For some reason I decided I wanted to go to the grocery store... not sure why, needed spinach and feta and beer. Hmmm, what a mix. I open up the coupon drawer to grab some coupons and immediately regret ever letting my husband clip coupons, he clipped every single one - all of them - we don't even wear depends, but damned if I don't have a coupon for them!
So, finally Natalie wakes up and we go to the store - which reminds me - she woke up MAD AT ME - yelling No mommy, nooo.... she wouldn't tell me why she was mad at me something about the tractors that I wouldn't let her ride at the mall, kinda hurt my heart a little. - so we get to the store and thats when I realized that I pushed the girls a little too much. Sylvia especially, she had no desire to be in that carseat. Sylvia chewed up my shopping list and discarded it somewhere, Natalie insisted on using the cart with the cop car buggy on it, which had about enough room for Sylvia and those depends I was going to get for cheap.
I was wondering around the store with Natalie yelling at me to hold Sylvia so she can sit up front, ramming into everything with my cop car cart, Sylvia yelling at me because the stupid cop car cart doesn't fit a car seat the right way in the basket and her car seat is jacked up to where she is looking at the floor - (probably looking at the chewed up shopping list)
At this point I just take my cop car over to the beer section to pull over some miller light. Was tempted to crawl into the car and drink my beer while Natalie pushed us. She had to have done a better job driving the cart than I. Finally we go to check out and Natalie informs me that we have to find Sparky - he is lost - Sparky is Donald Ducks Lion. Whew... that was one hell of a Saturday.
Sunday... eh.... nothing special, woke up - hung out - got into a fight with Natalie because she was so tired she couldn't stand it, Sylvia slept all morning because she didn't sleep well at all - superbowl... bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda.... Sylvia slept horrible again last night - she woke up because she choked on spit or milk or a small animal from the sounds of it - anyways - 4:45am - we get up for good.
Natalie was a great girl this weekend. We only had one sleep walking incident Friday night. Not sure what caused it, maybe a small amount of RED40 at daycare? She apparently was bringing me a HUGE stuffed octopus that she has. Stephen intercepted her and put her back in bed. This was around 11:30 Friday night. I didn't open my eyes enough to see the octopus, probably a good thing because I would have busted out laughing.
The girls did really good a Borders. Natalie got mad at me because she said that this was not shopping, her idea of shopping is running around hiding in the clothes carousels. She immediately grabbed a bunch of books and said, I get these, we go bye byes now. I said no Natalie ... we are going to wait around here Noelle (Owen) and Aiden will be here soon...
Which in turn led me to buying a $4.99 stupid marker and coloring book set - STUPID STUPID.. the darn coloring book had like 5 pages. Unlike my husband I have a conscience when it comes to damaging an item and not purchasing it. Natalie had ripped the marker off so I felt I had to buy it. $4.99 ... seriously?
oh, in case you didn't know - the Sweeneys are extremely strapped for cash lately.... being that I make money off of plane sales and ummm.. yeah... no plane sales this year.. or in the last 6 months for that matter... anyways - $4.99... ugh..
Owen and Aiden show up, and... Noelle got me my first Latte - I know right? I have never had one... It was a skinny latte and may I say HEAVEN - thank you noelle.
We then went to the mall so we could chow down on some country cookin'
wait for it -
Moment of silence.....
okay, so chick filet it was. Natalie and Aiden ate their nuggets, Sylvia had some waffle fries.. Yeah, my daughter is six months old and I let her suck on waffle fries...
Noelle spilt a huge drink all over the mall floor at 11am - te he...
Natalie made fun of her..
Natalie then pretended to be in a Mickey Mouse episode and in the middle of lunch she looks up at the sky and says... OH TOOOOOTLES (for those who have never seen Mikey mouse and clubhouse thats the helper that brings tools to help solve problems)

So, anyways, we pushed it with Natalie because towards the end of the trip she was lying in the middle of JC Penney.
Home we went and I put both the girls to sleep - then cleaned the house
For some reason I decided I wanted to go to the grocery store... not sure why, needed spinach and feta and beer. Hmmm, what a mix. I open up the coupon drawer to grab some coupons and immediately regret ever letting my husband clip coupons, he clipped every single one - all of them - we don't even wear depends, but damned if I don't have a coupon for them!
So, finally Natalie wakes up and we go to the store - which reminds me - she woke up MAD AT ME - yelling No mommy, nooo.... she wouldn't tell me why she was mad at me something about the tractors that I wouldn't let her ride at the mall, kinda hurt my heart a little. - so we get to the store and thats when I realized that I pushed the girls a little too much. Sylvia especially, she had no desire to be in that carseat. Sylvia chewed up my shopping list and discarded it somewhere, Natalie insisted on using the cart with the cop car buggy on it, which had about enough room for Sylvia and those depends I was going to get for cheap.
I was wondering around the store with Natalie yelling at me to hold Sylvia so she can sit up front, ramming into everything with my cop car cart, Sylvia yelling at me because the stupid cop car cart doesn't fit a car seat the right way in the basket and her car seat is jacked up to where she is looking at the floor - (probably looking at the chewed up shopping list)
At this point I just take my cop car over to the beer section to pull over some miller light. Was tempted to crawl into the car and drink my beer while Natalie pushed us. She had to have done a better job driving the cart than I. Finally we go to check out and Natalie informs me that we have to find Sparky - he is lost - Sparky is Donald Ducks Lion. Whew... that was one hell of a Saturday.
Sunday... eh.... nothing special, woke up - hung out - got into a fight with Natalie because she was so tired she couldn't stand it, Sylvia slept all morning because she didn't sleep well at all - superbowl... bla bla bla, yadda yadda yadda.... Sylvia slept horrible again last night - she woke up because she choked on spit or milk or a small animal from the sounds of it - anyways - 4:45am - we get up for good.
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